Change details of the Communication setting (eg. connection method, phone number, modem type, etc.).
This shows your current connection method. Click on the Change button to change connection details.
This shows your current connection method. Click on the Change button to change connection details.
FirstClass will automatically attempt to log in to the server every time this document is opened. To revert to manual login, just click on this checkbox.
Right now, you must click on the "Login" button to log in to the server. If you check this box, then FirstClass will automatically attempt to log into the server every time this document is opened.
This will be the default Password on the login dialog. You should enter your User ID and Password into this form and then save the settings into a Setup Document.
This will be the default Password on the login dialog. You should enter your User ID and Password into this form and then save the settings into a Setup Document.
This will be the default User ID displayed on the login dialog. You should enter your User ID and Password into this form and then save the settings into a Setup Document.
This will be the default User ID displayed on the login dialog. You should enter your User ID and Password into this form and then save the settings into a Setup Document.
Change details of the Communication setting (eg. connection method, phone number, modem type, etc.).
Open an existing setup document.
Save the current settings as a new setup document.
Go back to the main login dialog without saving any changes that you have made.
Save the current connection information (connection type, UserID, Password, etc.) into the current Setup Document.
Certain Communication Toolbox tools (for example the ADSP tool and the X.25 tool) will permit more than 1 concurrent connection. Select the maximum number of connections here.
Click on this to configure the currently-selected Communication Toolbox Tool.
This describes the modem that you currently have selected
If you have a non-standard modem that does not appear in the list of modems, or if you want to take advantage of specific features of your modem, you can edit an existing modem or create a new one. Just click on this button.
You should select your modem from this list of modems. If your modem does not appear in the list, select "Hayes Compatible 2400" (for 2400 baud modems) or "Hayes Compatible 9600" (for 9600 baud modems). If you experience problems, use "Basic AT Commands".
You should select your modem from this list of modems. If your modem does not appear in the list, select "Hayes Compatible 2400" (for 2400 baud modems) or "Hayes Compatible 9600" (for 9600 baud modems). If you experience problems, use "Basic AT Commands".
You may enter the following special characters in the phone number: Wait for Second Dial Tone (W), Dial Delay 2 Seconds(,), and Hook Flash (!). For example, if you had to dial 9 then wait for six seconds then dial, you would enter 9,,,555-1212.
This is the phone number of the FirstClass system that you will be connecting to. Make sure that it has the correct area code (if the call is long distance) or no area code (if the call is local).
When your modem is dialing, it can either use TouchTone or pulse dialing. If you have TouchTone phones, you should set this to Tone.
When your modem is dialing, it can either use TouchTone or pulse dialing. If you have TouchTone phones, you should set this to Tone.
FirstClass will set the serial port speed to match the connection speed (eg. if the modem reports "CONNECT 2400", FirstClass will set the serial port speed to 2400 baud).
When FirstClass receives the connect message from the modem (eg. "CONNECT 2400"), it will NOT change the baud rate of the serial port to match the connect speed. To make FirstClass change the baud rate, click on this box.
You MUST have a Hardware Handshaking cable. If you leave this checked and you do not have a HWHS cable, you will get "no response from modem" errors. If in doubt, select a modem that does NOT require HWHS.
If you want to use a modem with any compression or error - correction features (eg. MNP, V.42, or HST) you will need a Hardware Handshaking cable.
WARNING: If you check this box and you do not have the correct cable, the program will hang.
If you are using a modem, you will need to select the port that the modem is connected to.
If you are using a modem, you will need to select the port that the modem is connected to.
Use this menu to select the baud rate that you want to use to communicate with you modem.
Use this menu to select the baud rate that you want to use to communicate with you modem.
Use this menu to choose the actual method that will be used to connect to the FirstClass server.
Use this menu to choose the actual method that will be used to connect to the FirstClass server.
Exit this dialog without saving any of the changes.
Save this communication setup into the current Setup Document and exit this dialog.
The FirstClass system did not recognize your UserID. By filling in this form, you may register yourself to use this FirstClass system. If you have mis-typed your UserID, click on the Cancel button to return to the Login Dialog.
If you do not want to register yourself as a new user, click on this button to return to the Login Dialog.
After you have filled in the form, click on this button to register yourself as a new user.
All file transfers in FirstClass are done using "Attachments"; an attachment is just a file that is attached to a message, which is then sent to another user. You should select the file that you want to attach now.
Click on this button to select files from another disk.
Click on this button to eject the diskette.
Return to the message without attaching a file.
First, you must select a file that you want to attach.
Click on this button to attach the file that you have selected.
You have dragged a file to a window that is not a message. You may only attach files to unsent messages.